Find Feature
The Find feature lets you search across all columns in the register with a single operation. The matching results are then highlighted in yellow. A scroll bar annotation is provided to indicate the rows in the grid containing matches. This lets you easily navigate to the search results in the register.
The Find feature also includes the flexibility to perform more precise searches using various syntax in the search bar. The Find search bar shows the currently selected and total number of search results.
If you type in two words, such as total cost, the grid considers them as individual conditions and selects records that contain either total or cost.
Search Syntax |
Example |
+ |
To find records that contain both search terms like total cost, type + before the second word. For example: total +cost. |
- |
Type - to exclude records that contain a specific word, for example: total-cost. You can combine different operators. Use + and - to select records that contain both pay and item, excluding records that contain assignment. For example: pay +item -assignment. |
"quotes" |
To search for a string that contains a space character, you need to enclose this string in quotation marks. For example: "total cost". |
: |
To search against a specific column, type the first letters of the column's display name plus a colon character. For example: optional: unassigned. Now the grid displays records containing unassigned in the optional code column. |
If you add another column-specific condition, the grid joins them using the + logical operator. Then the record shows the result that matches both options. The same happens when you join a column-specific condition with the one applied to all columns. An example of this search criteria looks like this: optional: unassigned +"pay item".
Step by Step — Find Feature
From the Cost Breakdown Structure (CBS) Register, bring up the Find feature using CTRL+F.
In the search bar, type in Materials.
When all the searches are highlighted in yellow, use the up or down arrows to the right of the search bar to navigate to the next search result in the register.
- To add the Find feature to the register functions header, select the Options icon to the far right of the search bar. Then select Always Expanded.
- To search in a specific column only, select the Options icon to the far right of the search bar. Then select Search in Selected Column Only. Search a specific term in your selected column.
- To close the Find functionality, click the Close icon to the left of the search bar. You can also hold down the Shift key and then select the F3 key to use this feature.
A drop-down can be used to see a list of previous searches.